She loves playing with the skinny plastic one liter bottles. We ALWAYS discard the cap and then she plays [heh… so I thought]. Gnawing on the bottle or the cap is not allowed because I am afraid something like this would happen.
I even made a fabric water bottle “pillow” case thingy, so she could play and not ingest plastic particles. So much for that!
On the bright side, I aware of what could go wrong, how to recognize that something is wrong, and what to do next.
Bee Tee Dubs [BTW] it had been THREE months since she played with a water bottle, because a cap had mysteriously vanished.
For the life of me I could not recollect what I had done with the cap!
I thought I tossed it in the garbage bin. FAIL…FAIL…epic FAIL [insert angry frowny face]!
The cap was chewed and flattened into a long piece of plastic she could swallow.
After stewing in stomach juices [for what could have been three whole months], the cap evolved into a green, gross, and deformed [in one piece but deformed] resemblance of what was a bottle cap.
It kind of looked like that fruit by the foot stuff. Minus the fruit… and it was a few inches long.
Even though the culprit had been evacuated [to our knowledge], we opted to continue our plan onward to the vet.
She was dehydrated, and there was no way for us to know right away if the bowel obstruction was truly resolved or if she had gastrointestinal injuries.
When we arrived to the clinic, it was determined that an X-ray would be sufficient and she would not need an endoscopy to see if there was still a gastrointestinal blockage.